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Express Entry: Comprehensive Ranking System

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has shared details about the latest Comprehensive Ranking System. This would give potential applicants a clear idea about their position in the new Express Entry system and how it would work.

The Comprehensive Ranking System will assess the EOIs [Expression Of Interest] of the aspirants and grant them rankings in the pool of EOIs. The applicants would have to however qualify for any of the three federal skills migration programs

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

The Ranking System would assess the eligibility of the applicants by gauging their profiles and granting them marks. The system would grant a maximum of 1,200 points on basis of following mark allocation system:  

A maximum of 500 marks would be granted for the candidate’s Core Human Capital Factors, that would include:

  • Age
  • Academic accomplishments
  • Language skills in either of official languages of the country
  • Work experience
  • In instances where the applicants are married and applicants include spouse / common-law partner, they would be granted an additional 460 (maximum marks) for Core Human Capital Factors with a maximum of 40 marks for Core Human Capital of his or her spouse or common-law partner
  • 80 marks (maximum) would be granted to applicants having a minimum of one year’s exposure in Canada  
  • 100 marks (maximum) would be granted skills transferability of the applicant.
  • The above mentioned marks would be granted on basis of combination of predefined human capital factors.
  • 600 marks would be granted for either a qualified employment offer from an employer based in Canada or for a sponsorship from a Canadian province.